Activist, Cultural Organizer, Educator
Prison + Neighborhood Arts/Education Project, Chicago Torture Justice Memorials, Pozen Family Center for Human Rights at The University of Chicago
Alice Kim (she/her) is Director of Human Rights Practice at the University of Chicago’s Pozen Family Center for Human Rights. Alice’s work is focused on narratives of incarceration, building practices of solidarity across the prison wall, creating platforms for truth telling about the carceral system, reversing long-term sentencing practices, and increasing access to education in prison. She teaches at a maximum-security prison and leads the Prison + Neighborhood Arts/Education Project’s community-building efforts connecting scholars, teaching artists, and community leaders with incarcerated students.
Alice is a co-founder of the Chicago Torture Justice Memorials (CTJM), the collective that spearheaded the campaign for reparations for Chicago police torture survivors, and she was a leader in the movement to end capital punishment in Illinois and nationwide, working closely with the Death Row 10, a group of Black men who were tortured by Jon Burge’s forces and sentenced to death.
Alice is co-editor of The Long Term: Resisting Life Sentences, Working Toward Freedom (with Erica Meiners, Audrey Petty, Jill Petty, Beth Richie, and Sarah Ross; Haymarket Books, 2018) and is co-authoring a book about the Chicago police torture cases (with Joey Mogul, Beacon Press).